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The Feminine Comique gives students the opportunity to spend six weeks in a supportive all-female* environment while learning the fundamentals necessary to write and perform standup comedy. The class offers the opportunity for personal growth for all students whether they aspire to a professional career in comedy, want to enhance their communication skills or just need to tick 'stand up comedy' off their bucket list.  Founded in 2008, hundreds of students have taken Fem Com and the post-graduate community provides an arena for further artistic and professional endeavors!


The course is founded on the comedy principles of the critically acclaimed Lincoln Lodge, a national leader in cultivating and developing new comedy talent and was created by former Lodge cast member and nationally touring comedian Cameron Esposito. The class is currently instructed by accomplished Chicago-based comedian Alex Kumin. 


Feminine Comique was started under Tight Five Productions, whose mission is to pursue opportunities to bring stand-up comedy and affiliated performers to a wider audience in Chicago while providing overall support in increasing the quality of live stand-up comedy throughout the market.  Since the turn of the century Tight Five Productions (a 501c3 not-for-profit organization) has been producing live comedy events  including The Lincoln Lodge, the nation’s longest running independent comedy showcase.  If you would like to know more about Tight Five Productions, including how to make a tax free donation, please visit our website.



*Fem Com uses an inclusive definition of the word female, and we welcome trans women, genderqueer and non-binary individuals.


Further Information:

FemCom In The News:

Copyright Tight Five Productions (2016)

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